All photos are my own. I use a Canon 80D with Tamron and Canon lenses. Some photos are taken with my iPhone. I will update this page with more photos as I take them.
White Ibis Spoonbills Night Heron Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo Ibis wading Great Egret Ravens Pink & Grey Galahs Baby Galah Wood duck Grebe Coot Pelican Little Corella Black Swan Cormorant Currawong Pelican in Monkey Mia Swallows at Monkey Mia Oyster Catcher at Rottnest Island New Holland Honey Eater Galahs drinking from the dog bowl Black Swans on the Swan River Swamp Hen Cormorant Egret & Spoonbill Tern Terns in the breeze Silver Gull Swallow Oyster Catchers conversing Cheeky Pink & Grey Galah Toodyay Galah Great Egret at Lake Monger Shell duck Coot Nesting Wood Ducks Mud Larks Kookaburra, not a native to WA Swallow feeding young Western Rosella Sand Piper Rainbow Lorikeet, not a native to WA Blue Wren Magpie with grasshopper Black Duck Magpie family Blue Wren admiring his reflection Black Duck Nest or Swamp Hens Little Corella