FAQs are an important selling tool because these questions are the very same ones your target
market is asking in their own head. If the business owner cannot answer these for the
customer, the customer will go elsewhere to a company that can.
It is psychologically proven that if we have unanswered questions about a product (e.g. how much is it, is there a money-back guarantee etc.), we cannot process through the mental steps required to feel confident in purchasing the product.
A few tips on how to write a powerful FAQ quickly.
- Write out the top 20 or 30 questions you often get asked by people who are considering buying from you. Start with the basics, no matter how obvious they may seem. For example,
if I was writing copy for a travel agent, I would write down the most mundane questions.
● Can I book online?
● Do you offer free booking?
● Can I add car hire or hotel bookings to my order?
● What is the minimum distance I can travel? - I would then follow that up with the more detailed questions:
● What if my flight gets cancelled?
● Do you offer a money back guarantee?
● How can i check to see if my flight is on time?
● Do you belong to an accredited travel organisation? - Answer the questions. Then, you simply write out the answers in the most elegant,
persuasive and concise way you can. This now becomes your FAQ. Easy.
A few more reasons why writing an FAQ in this way makes sense:
- It provides you with the raw material for the rest of your copy. I always start out with
the FAQ because it helps me understand my client’s product better and it becomes the
foundation for all the other copy on the website or brochure. With a bit of tweaking, cutting
and pasting, and re-writing, I can use what I have already written for other pages. This is a
very time efficient and productive way of writing copy. for further information about repurposing your content read this article. - FAQ are easy to read. Everyone loves a Q and A because they help us get answers to
questions we need answered. Not everyone needs every question answered but having a
clearly laid out, well written FAQ means readers can scan quickly through the text and find
what they need.
If you think your website could benefit from some well-placed FAQ get in contact today.